How to Know You Need Hosting Services

Author: Howard M. Cohen

There’s been a tremendous change all around us, and we may be too close to it to take notice!

Most of us still come from a time when the approach to running computer applications was simple and straightforward. Basically:

  • You bought or selected a server computer
  • You loaded your application onto that computer
  • You loaded client software into all your user’s computers
  • You either used your existing network, or had one built for you
  • You ran the application and basically hoped for the best

In many cases, you went ahead and hired people to run the applications on the computers for you. You weren’t sure how to choose the right person with the right skills, and you weren’t sure exactly how best to manage them. Still, you knew you couldn’t do it yourself, so you hired people. 

Then Came the Cloud

 From the beginning, many hoped the emergence of cloud computing would take the burden of operating computers and networks away from them, and they could cease employing people who they didn’t know how to manage or evaluate.

Not so much.

Even though the computers disappeared, there was still need for the network, and the applications still had to be administered, monitored, and managed. There was still much operational work to be done.

Going to the Next Level

Microsoft’s introduction of the Azure cloud service redefined the sophistication and the scope of services available from the cloud. Attracted to the advantages, many customers have moved their applications and workloads to the world’s most advanced cloud service, Azure.

It should come as no surprise that there was still a need for operational personnel even when using Azure.

There is a community team of experts who have been doing that kind of operational work, and much more, on Azure for many years. They have gathered to create a set of automated services and services provided by an expert team that can now be accessed and used by any Azure customer anywhere.

Everything about your Azure activity is managed by Idenxt starting with the Azure subscription which is part of your Idenxt engagement. No need to track and match up multiple invoices or orders. Your entire Azure experience is included. 

How to Know You Need Azure with Idenxt

We call this combined service suite Idenxt. Using advanced automation and artificial intelligence (AI), this elite team provides all the administrative, operational, management, and issue resolution services required by customers like you, who have applications to run to manage their business and would prefer to not be required to manage many dedicated personnel in-house.

For more information and insight into how to leverage Idenxt to increase your revenue without proportional increases to operating costs, contact us here.